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Meet Drs. Donna and Robert Bischoff

“It’s a family thing,” says Dr. Donna Bischoff, “Since I was a kid, getting adjusted was just part of our family life. At family functions or holidays, after everyone was done at the dining room table, it was time to get on the adjusting table. My great uncle, aunt, and uncle, chiropractors all, would make sure that everyone got adjusted. So, naturally, when my boyfriend (now my husband–Dr. Robert Bischoff) came over for a holiday dinner with my family, my Uncle Vito was more than happy to welcome him with an adjustment!

Chiropractic has been in my life for most of my life, but it wasn’t until I was looking for a career path that I realized how profound it is. Dr. Rob and I were both searching for careers that could have a positive impact on the lives of others. We suddenly had an epiphany in his mom’s kitchen when were talking about how happy my aunt, Dr. Susan Guarino, is in chiropractic. That moment in that kitchen led us on a remarkable journey that continues to this day.”

Drs. Bischoff began their pre-chiropractic education at OCC where they studied the basic sciences such as inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, along with basic physiology and anatomy courses.

Dr. Donna Bischoff
Dr. Donna is not currently practicing, she is taking time to raise their children. You may still see her helping in the office from time to time.

Chiropractic Education

Dr. Robert BischoffAfter completing studies there, they were accepted at New York Chiropractic College in Seneca Falls, New York. During their years at NYCC, courses included biochemistry, a major emphasis on anatomy and human physiology, X-ray, diagnosis, chiropractic adjusting techniques, and patient care. They interned at the Levittown Health Center in Levittown, NY. After graduating in 1997, Dr. Rob and Dr. Donna returned to Toms River to establish their practice.

“We are really working to make the world a happier, healthier place”, smiles Dr. Rob, “And we get to see wonderful things happen in our office on a daily basis. We get to see newborn babies get a healthy start by getting their first adjustments. We love to hear about how our patients’ golf games improve or how much better they’re sleeping since getting adjusted. There’s a lot to be excited and hopeful about.”

We like for patients to feel at ease in our office. We make it a point to explain everything in advance, answer questions and attempt to over communicate. Patients appreciate that.”


On a Personal Note

Dr. Rob and Dr. Donna were high school sweethearts (even though they did not attend the same high school!). They eventually married and have three children: Nicholas, Susie and Luke. All three children had natural, drug-free births–Susie was born at home in a water birth!

“Our kids have been adjusted since birth and have never received antibiotics.” (If that sounds interesting, be sure to ask Dr. Rob or Dr. Donna to explain!)

“We adjust each other and our kids at least once a week. Living the chiropractic lifestyle is not just something we talk about in our office; it’s the natural, drug-free lifestyle we’ve chosen for our own family.”

“Thanks for visiting our site. We look forward to meeting you in person and learning how we can help you with today’s safe and natural chiropractic care. Contact our Toms River chiropractic office and let’s arrange a time to explore your options.”


Meet The Doctors at Family First Chiropractic | (732) 349-1122